Talking to people at FOSDEM made me realise just how much LiveJournal annoys me. When I started this blog I didn’t want to host it myself — the last time I tried that I spent more time fiddling with it than writing it! — but apparently I miss being in control, and since my ISP provides free WordPress installation maintainence… well… welcome to my new domain!

While I was moving the entries across I realised it’s been ages since I did a proper post. I first committed zero exactly a month ago, and if you’d asked me then what I’d like to have achieved now I’d have said an s390x port — at least! Stuff kept getting in the way, however. Fixing it up for amd64 made me realise that the core build patch was incomplete at best, and that the ports patch was far more complicated than it needed to be as a result. I spent a couple of weeks separating and rearranging the two — the tree is in a great state for new ports now — but then all kinds of things kicked off. OpenJDK 6 got released, IcedTea 7 started failing in koji, there was preparing for FOSDEM, and FOSDEM itself, and some other stuff that Lillian and I are doing… and still there are no new ports!

Anyway, hopefully the IcedTea 7 failure is #435337 — aka not my problem — but the OpenJDK 6 stuff is going to keep me busy for a time. The delay may turn out to be a good thing, however: chatting with aph made me realise I can probably make it such that new ports require no new patching at all if I generate some bits and pieces from the configure script. I’m letting that one cook in my head while I do the OpenJDK 6 stuff.

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