Remote debugging with GDB

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This past few weeks I’ve been working on making remote debugging in GDB easier to use. What’s remote debugging? It’s where you run GDB on one machine and the program being debugged on another. To do this you need something to allow GDB to control the program being debugged, and that something is called the remote stub. GDB ships with a remote stub called gdbserver, but other remote stubs exist. You can write them into your own program too, which is handy if you’re using minimal or unusual hardware that cannot run regular applications… cellphone masts, satellites, that kind of thing. I bet you didn’t know GDB could do that!

If you’ve used remote debugging in GDB you’ll know it requires a certain amount of setup. You need to tell GDB how to access to your program’s binaries with a set sysroot command, you need to obtain a local copy of the main executable and supply that to GDB with a file command, and you need to tell GDB to commence remote debugging with a target remote command.

Until now. Now all you need is the target remote command.

This new code is really new. It’s not in any GDB release yet, let alone in RHEL or Fedora. It’s not even in the nightly GDB snapshot, it’s that fresh. So, with the caveat that none of these examples will work today unless you’re using a Git build, here’s some things you can do with gdbserver using the new code.

Here’s an example of a traditional remote debugging session, with the things you type in bold. In one window:

abc$ ssh
xyz$ gdbserver :9999 --attach 5312
Attached; pid = 5312
Listening on port 9999

gdbserver attached to process 5312, stopped it, and is waiting for GDB to talk to it on TCP port 9999. Now, in another window:

abc$ gdb -q
(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using
...lots of messages you can ignore...
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00000035b5edf098 in *__GI___poll (fds=0x27467a0, nfds=8,
timeout=<optimized out>) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:83
#1 0x00000035b76449f9 in ?? () from target:/lib64/
#2 0x00000035b76451a5 in g_main_loop_run ()
from target:/lib64/
#3 0x0000003dfd34dd17 in gtk_main ()
from target:/usr/lib64/
#4 0x000000000040913d in main ()

Now you have GDB on one machine (abc) controlling process 5312 on another machine (xyz) via gdbserver. Here I did a backtrace, but you can do pretty much anything you can with regular, non-remote GDB.

I called that a “traditional” remote debugging session because that’s how a lot of people use this, but there’s a more flexible way of doing things if you’re using gdbserver as your stub. GDB and gdbserver can communicate over stdio pipes, so you can chain commands, and the new code to remove all the setup you used to need makes this really nice. Lets do that first example again, with pipes this time:

abc$ gdb -q
(gdb) target remote | ssh -T gdbserver - --attach 5312
Remote debugging using | ssh -T gdbserver - --attach 5312
Attached; pid = 5312
Remote debugging using stdio
...lots of messages...

The “-” in gdbserver’s argument list replaces the “:9999” in the previous example. It tells gdbserver we’re using stdio pipes rather than TCP port 9999. As well as configuring everything with single command, this has the advantage that the communication is through ssh; there’s no security in GDB’s remote protocol, so it’s not the kind of thing you want to do over the open internet.

What else can you do with this? Anything you can do through stdio pipes! You can enter Docker containers:

(gdb) target remote | sudo docker exec -i e0c1afa81e1d gdbserver - --attach 58
Remote debugging using | sudo docker exec -i e0c1afa81e1d gdbserver - --attach 58
Attached; pid = 58
Remote debugging using stdio

Notice how I slipped sudo in there too. Anything you can do over stdio pipes, remember? If you’re using Kubernetes you can use kubectl exec, or with OpenShift osc exec.

gdbserver can do more than just attach, you can start programs with it too:

(gdb) target remote | sudo docker exec -i e0c1afa81e1d gdbserver - /bin/sh
Remote debugging using | sudo docker exec -i e0c1afa81e1d gdbserver - /bin/sh
Process /bin/sh created; pid = 89
stdin/stdout redirected
Remote debugging using stdio

Or you can start it without any specific program, and then tell it what do do from within GDB. This is by far the most flexible way to use gdbserver. You can control more than one process, for example:

(gdb) target extended-remote | ssh -T gdbserver --multi -
Remote debugging using | gdbserver --multi -
Remote debugging using stdio
(gdb) attach 774
(gdb) add-inferior
Added inferior 2
(gdb) inferior 2
[Switching to inferior 2 [<null>] (<noexec>)]
(gdb) attach 871
(gdb) info inferiors
Num Description Executable
* 2 process 871 target:/usr/sbin/httpd
  1 process 774 target:/usr/libexec/mysqld

Ready to debug that connection issue between your webserver and database?