In case you hadn’t noticed, I8C 0.0.1 was released last week. As well as the note compiler, this package contains I8X, an interpreter for unit testing compiled notes.
In case you had noticed and you’ve been working with it, please note there’s some compatibility-breaking source language and note format changes in the pipeline.
Infinity has a mailing list, and I want you to subscribe to it. Infinity isn’t just my project–anybody who might either produce or consume Infinity notes has a stake in this:
- If you’re working on a debugger or other tool that might consume Infinity notes then you have a stake.
- If you’re working on a library that might expose some API via Infinity notes then you have a stake.
I don’t know every issue that Infinity will have to solve, and you know things I need to know. So don’t sit on the sidelines! Send an empty message to and get involved.